6/2/2022 - dear diary...
Hey everyone!
So basically here's the updates. C.M and I are kinda sorta friends. And her and A are not friends thank god. Although, last time they "weren't friends" they became friends again. So let's see how long this lasts. Anyway I'm almost out of school. And I need glasses. And I have a new job!
I only have like 7 1/2 days of school left. Wack!
I went to the optometrist because I haven't been able to see lately and it turns out I need glasses :(. I ordered them and I'm excited to be able to see properly but I'm a little annoyed. You see, all my life I've had 20/15 vision which if you don't know the lower the number the better the vision. So like 20/20 is perfect. Now I have 20/25 which is still good but that means it'll probably get worse and worse.
And there's a new Starbucks opening in my town and I got a job there! I'm going to be a barista!!!
That's all for now!