4/4/2023 - it's over isn't it?


Welcome to Advice With Alex! AWA I guess. So today is Tuesday, April fourth twenty twenty-three. It's about 9:29 am. Right now I'm in my aide block watching Steven Universe. Season 4 Episode 20. Here's my advice for today:

Always make sure you're doing something for yourself. You are the most important person in your life. Life is too short to be spending it being unhappy. You should always do at least one thing for yourself each day. Choose yourself. 

Also ME👏DI👏TA👏TION!!! I love meditating, it's relaxing and makes me feel so much more connected to myself and my mind.

Last thing: Choose kindness, love, light, and happiness. If there are two roads ahead of you and you can reach one with violence and hate and the other with love and happiness, you take the latter. 

That's all for today (also today's title was brought to you by Pearl's song "It's Over Isn't It?" From Steven Universe)

