5/11/2023 - i've rejected affection for years and years
ayup, y'all-
You aren't going to believe this shit! I have fallen hard for this person I know. I had a little crush on them when I met them but then I hung out in my works parking lot for over two hours and holy fucking shit y'all. They were in the car and I was leaning towards them in the empty window. Let me tell you the things that made me feel so woefnqrwugnqpo3irngqoeing:
- I was cold, so I was rubbing my hands together. THEY GRABBED MY HANDS IN THEIR HANDS TO WARM THEM UP.
- Every time we talked they made eye contact with me and usually I hate that but omfg I was dying
- I was drinking a lemonade with a straw and I decided I didn't want it anymore I said that out loud and they like held their hand out for it. I gave it to them and they STRAIGHT UP JUST DRANK IT FROM THE STRAW CASUALLY
- idk something about that made me swoon
- They were constantly looking at me
- They talked to me so quietly
Since then I've been texting them and they are so flirty. I AM DYING! But the thing is, they have a partner already but the other thing is, I'm polyamorous. Soooo there's hope. Plus, having a crush is such a nice feeling.
That's all-