7/26/2023 - i stay awake at night because i dont even know what my favorite color is and im afraid i dont have a real personality
heyyyyy girls gays and they's!!!!
How is everyone? Good? I'm going to assume you're good because I can't hear y'alls answer. anyway, i hope everyone is loving themselves and the earth!
I'm watching Inside Job again but also FunkyFrogBait on YouTube. And I broke my PC. Right now I have my laptop attached to my display (as well as my Nintendo Switch) and then I'm using a Bluetooth keyboard and Bluetooth mouse. I've already been to Walmart twice today and I'm just now realizing that I need a mouse-pad as well because I can't get my mouse across my crunchy ass desk.
so I'm probably going to wait until my little sister (aka my only friend) to get out of work and then we'll go there together. or maybe go to staples with my mom.
alright, i love y'all.